zyy is the bitch.

Monday, June 29, 2009
ahhh chooooooo.
and up comes my prof.
" i think u should take some rest at home. "

the power of a sneeze.
eh comeon. i've been having sinusitis problems for the past 24 years of my life
and never have i seen the power of one sneeze.
its seriously discriminating against people with sinusitis problems.

i heard about this story.
an ah pek got scolded by a nsman just by.
sneezing in the train.
with his mouth covered.
with a tissue blocking.
the ahpek had to leave the train due to embarrassment.

so anyway.
i migrated outta lab.
decide to be a socially responsible citizen.
and here i am.
at the University wellness centre.
i am a responsible student/singaporean. :)

and damnit.
you have been hogging that damn osim massage chair for the past 20 minutes.

posted by deschutz. on 6/29/2009 04:28:00 PM

Friday, June 26, 2009
Transformers 2 OST :D


posted by deschutz. on 6/26/2009 03:52:00 PM

suddenly i just feel.

posted by deschutz. on 6/26/2009 01:44:00 AM

Thursday, June 25, 2009
this post is actually pretty much valid to sheares pple lah.
probably some time back,
you switch on ur laptop.
you click on firefox.
you type in facebook.com
you see a friend request.
you see the name : Eric Lim Yong Seng
you wud be like wondering who the fuck is this Eric Lim Yong Seng
you probably guess that he's a fellow shearite considering having so many sheares mutual friends.
you add him

a subject of controversy and a figure of mystery.
no one knows who he is.
so yes yes yes.
when one day mr clement chio msged me
"check out that post on eric lim yongseng's wall!!!"
we had an evil plan.
not plan lah.
but just.
we try to uncover the truth for you jabronis out there.

and zyy made it more legendary by saving the convo before he managed to delete it.
here it goes :D

and when i posted a
"Why did u delete that thread?"
he pmed me.


posted by deschutz. on 6/25/2009 06:31:00 PM

zyy's latest fav song

21 guns - Greenday.

click to download :D

posted by deschutz. on 6/25/2009 06:28:00 PM

Sunday, June 21, 2009

posted by deschutz. on 6/21/2009 01:58:00 AM

Thursday, June 18, 2009
wow. i just realised i had 401 posts since i started blogging.
hahaha. tonnes of emo stuffs at the front but wells. :)))
zyy got selected for the hspa mobile broadbad pilot test by ripplevox
and i tadahhhh! am all ready to surf anytime, anywhere :D :D :D :D
but i'm not so sure of what i am supposed to do in return for the pilot testings lah.
josiegirl will send me a mail telling what im supposed to do in a short while.
so yesyesyes. stayed tuned/sms/email or whatever superpoke me if you want to noe more about it.
its seriously a damn cool thingy to have.
21mbps mobile broadboad would mean things like.
skyping in the car with lizziegirl.
mobile surfing on the mrt/bus.
live video streaming on the trains.
no more "i'll find a hotspot" and send my emails!
woohooooooos! rox life. :D
and guess what its 21mbps. thats like 7 times my speed at home lah. wah lau eh.got so power anot.
anyway. more about hspa coming up :))

so after collecting the stuffs at tanjong pagar.
wanted to head down to school to meet my fyp prof.
but guess what. proffie cudnt make it and damn.
im stuck. dunno where to go.
ended up at one fullerton starbucks.
that place gotta be like one of the top 3 starbucks ive been to.
night sea view. imagine when the IR comes up and all u see is just wowwee.
heh im a scenery peson at heart allright. :D
so yesyesyes. off to little india for some exploring walks and dinner at banana leaf curry.
definitey heading back bananaleaf when i have some curry cravings.
really nice and wonderful :D
im getting lazy to type them all
snapshots :)

snapshots as fattyboy trots down the padang. haha. i found this pretty cool starbucks under the bridge linking one fullterton and esplanade park. hahaha.shall head there sometime :D

and dinner :D :D :D . cheap and nice and damn freaking full lah :D chappati ftw! :D

and yesyesyes little india. hahah. chio anot. i dunno why but i quite like that snapshot with the turban guy :D

and they always have questions like.
how many engineers does it take to change a lightbulb.
how many vjc people does it take to change a lightbulb.
so now i ask.
how many banglas does it take to erect a lamppost? :)))))

posted by deschutz. on 6/18/2009 12:26:00 AM

Monday, June 15, 2009

i will need to blog soon about this all! :D

posted by deschutz. on 6/15/2009 11:46:00 PM

Friday, June 12, 2009
this is seriously fucking lame.


posted by deschutz. on 6/12/2009 12:10:00 AM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

good food.

good company.

good outing.
huat ah!
i so love brotherly outings. :D

posted by deschutz. on 6/10/2009 08:13:00 PM